時至今日,人類有了各種各樣的手段與疾病拉開距離,健康成了追求的目標,人們在談到生活品質的時候,往往離不開健康的話題,科技也在圍繞著健康綠色化。歷經十多年,北京中流公司應用紅外線技術已經打開了乳腺病診斷的綠色通道,作為集科、工、貿于一體的現代醫療器械企業,擁有來自北大、清華、中科院、中國醫學科學院的專家組成的科研開發隊伍,并研制了十多種醫療器械產品, 獲得了北京市科技進步獎,始終保持著紅外乳腺診斷和乳腺病治療技術領域里的領先水平。作為第一個在國內注冊登記紅處乳腺診斷儀的企業 , 中流公司的用戶網絡已遍布全國31個省、自治區、直轄市,產品遠銷西方發達國家。
多年來,北京中流公司在營銷網絡基礎上建立起來的技術支持網絡和乳腺病會診體系, 使用戶獲得了完善的售后服務,確保了工作的開展。公司組織并配合用戶在全國范圍廣泛開展乳腺病普查,對育齡婦女進行了乳腺病防治的科普知識宣傳,得到了用戶和患者的贊譽, 在全國產生了良好的影響 。
北京中流公司將繼續為婦幼保健和計劃生育事業做出自己的努力 ,為人類健康盡綿薄之力。
Today we have lots of methods to cure diseases, and at the same time health became the most important thing in our daily life. Nowadays we talk more about health. Since our founding, Beijing Zhong-Liu Technology CO. ,LTD has been committed to design, development, manufacture, marketing and sales of infrared instruments for mammary gland diagnosis for many years. Beijing Zhong-Liu is a high-tech company dealing with the research, development, application and service of new-style instruments. We got many awards with the efforts of the staff come from Tsing Hua University, Peking University, and China Academy Science Association. We are the leading supplier of infrared instruments for mammary gland diagnosis and exporting western countries.
We are committed to provide our customers the products with the best quality and the most competitive prices. We truly believe the importance of dedication, corporation, teamwork, integrity and hard work for our company’s future success. You can rely on us, a team of the highest quality. |